Bibliographie de l'économie sociale

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Synthèse bibliographique de l'économie sociale et solidaire, réalisée dans le cadre du projet ARIADNE (voir notre avant-propos), par Sybille Mertens et Charlotte Moreau de HEC-Management School, université de Liège.

" Get to know ECVET better, questions and answers ", Aribaut M. (dir.) European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training (ECVET), European commission, Education and culture (2009).

" Social and commercial entrepreneurship: same, different, or both ? ", Entrepreneurship : theory and practices, Vol. 30, n°1, 1-22, Austin J., Stevenson H. & Wei-Skillern J.

" The emergence of social enteprise ", London & New York, Routledge, Borzaga C & Defourny J. (2011).

" Merging mission and money: a board member's guide to social entrepreneurship ", The Institute for Social Entrepreneurs, Boschee J. (1998).

« Gestion des ressources humaines. Pratique et éléments de théorie », Paris, Dunod, col. « Gestion sup », Cadin L., Guerin F., Pigeyre F. (2002).

" Work integration social enterprises: are they multiple-goal and multiple-stakeholder organizations ? ", Campi S., Defourny J. & Gregoire O., in: NYSSENS, M. (Ed.), Social Enterprise, at the Crossroads of Market, Public Policies and Civil Society, London & New York, Routledge, 29-49 (2006).

" Being Business-Like in a Nonprofit Organization: A Grounded and Inductive Typology ", Dart R., Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 33, pp. 290-310 (2004).

" Human resource management, concepts and practices ", De cenzo D.A. & Robbins S.P., New-York, Wiley, 4th edition (1994).

" The meaning of social entrepreneurship ", DEES, J. G., Stanford, Stanford University Graduate School of Business (1998).

" Framing a theory of social entrepreneurship: building on two schools of practice and thought ", Dees G. & Anderson B., Research on Social Entrepreneurship, ARNOVA, Occasional Paper Series, vol. 1, n°3, pp. 39-66 (2006).

" The social economy: the worldwide making of a third sector ", Defourny J., Eveltere P., in: Defourny J., Develtere P. & Fonteneau B. (Eds.), Social economy – North and South, Leuven/Liège, 17-47 (2000).

" Introduction : from third sector to social enterprise ", Defourny J., in Borzaga C. & Defourny J. (Eds.), The emergence of social enteprise, London & New York, Routledge, 1-28 (2001).

" Defining social enterprise ", Defourny J. & Nyssens M., in: ?yssens M. (Ed.), Social Enterprise, at the Crossroads of Market, Public Policies and Civil Society, London & New York, Routledge, 296-309 (2006)

Human resource management, Dessler G., New Jersey, Pearson Prentice Hall, 10th edition (2005).

" In the name of capability : A critical discursive evaluation of competency-based management development  , Finch-Lees T., Mabey C., Liefoogh A., Human relations, vol. 58, no9, pp. 1185-1222 (2005).

" Strategic management: a stakeholder approach ", Freeman R.E., Pitman, Boston (1984).

" Managing human resources ", Gomez-Mejia L.R., Balkin D.B. & Cardy R.L., New Jersey, Pearson Prentice Hall, 4th edition (2004).

« Le dirigeant d’association est-il soumis à un régime spécifique de responsabilité? », Henaff G., Revue Internationale de l’Économie Sociale, 304 (2007).

" Social entrepreneurship research: A source of explanation, prediction, and delight ", Mair J., & Marti I., Journal of World Business, 41(1), 36-44 (2006).

« La gestion stratégique de la coopérative et de l’association d’économie sociale », Malo M.C., Revue Internationale de l’Economie Sociale, 281, pp. 84-95 (2001).

« À quoi sert la gestion des compétences? De l’impact d’un dispositif de gestion sur les trajectoires individuelles », Pichault F. & Deprez A., Revue de gestion des ressources humaines, Editions ESKA, n°70 (2008).

“ The boundary approach of competence: a constructuvist aid fir understanding and using the concept of competence ”, Stoof A., Martens R.L., Van Merriënboer J.J.G., Bastiaens T.J., Human Resource Development Review, vol. 1, n° 3, pp. 345-365 (2002).

« La gouvernance », Rijpens J., in MERTENS S., La gestion des entreprises sociales, Edipro, Liège, pp. 219-285 (2010).

L’évaluation des compétences. Documenter le parcours de développement, Tardif J., Montréal (QC), Chenelière Éducation (2006).

" Toward a theory of the voluntary nonprofit sector in a three-sector economy ", Weisbrod B.A., in PHELPS, E.S. (ed), Altruism, morality and economic theory, Russel Sage Foundation, New York, pp. 171-195 (1975).